Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Son-In-Law

Adessa: 3.5 years old

Dear Son-in-Law,
Even though I don’t know you today, I know you’re alive somewhere.  So, early this morning, praying for you is the first thing on my mind.  I don’t know where you are from, who you are or how we’ll meet.  I’m hoping there’s a grand story about how you met and fell in love with my daughter.  I love when a Prince finds his Princess.  

I know as you meet us and get to know us, we’re a little quirky.  We have an odd sense of humor: odd in that it’s not perverted or carnal.  We love to laugh and enjoy life.  As a family, we play games, go on vacations, and eat hot meals at home.  Her dad and I are still madly in love and happily married.  I know we may not be your average family and hope to never be “average”.  We talk very openly about our faults, failures and weaknesses.   I’m sorry to let you know up front, we’re not perfect and will not pretend to be.  We will let you and our daughter advise and help us.  We will never be too old for advice or to learn from others - even younger than us.  When we first meet, I hope we let you feel welcome but not too comfortable...remember, you are taking away our little princess.  

Currently, every day of our lives is spent teaching, training, equipping and loving our daughter.  She is so unique.  She entertains us daily with her ideas of life.  Sometimes, we call her “Drama Queen,” due to her major reactions or explanations of a minor situation.  We’re teaching her how to calm down and communicate.  I hope that pays off for you.

She has been strong from the day she was born.  We have tried to guide and not break her strong will by teaching submission to us and to God.  Her strength is one of her greatest assets.  

We encourage Adessa musically.  She has already sang her first solo at church.  We also encourage her to constantly memorize.  She quotes Scripture daily.  

Although she is only three and a half years old today as I’m writing this, she has own ideas about fashion and dress.  I don’t pressure her to look or dress a certain way.  I just want her to be unique and feminine and modest.  We make sure to keep her body covered.  I’ve given her guidelines to dress herself in a way that her body could be saved for your eyes only.  She is always dressed adorable!

She is learning to share with her little sister.  She’s learning patience and endurance.  Siblings are great teachers.  I hope her relationship with her sister will always continue - as mine with my sister has.

Now about you!  I’m awake early because of you today.  I felt like I needed to pray for you.  I know as a boy, you will experience life differently than Adessa.  I’m praying desperately for your protection.

Your eyes... I’m praying that your parents put a hedge around your eyes.  Your eyes are the windows to your soul.  I want your eyes to be protected from the influence of the world: what they say you should be attracted to, or imitate in your marriage, the way you should romance, your purity.   I’m praying that your parents will shield you from the filth in movies, television and games.  I’m praying that they will also filter their internet and cell phones.  I’m praying that your dad will teach by example how to put blinders on and not take the “second glance.”  

Your ears... I’m praying that you’re in a church and home that believes in the infallible WORD of God.  I’m praying that you hear the WORD taught not only in your church but in your home.  I am praying that your ears hear parents that speak the Truth in love.  I pray that your parents do not scream, argue, fuss or fight.  I pray they teach you how to effectively communicate your feelings and frustrations.

Your body... I pray that you are protected sexually.  I pray that your parents are protective about who they let babysit you.  I pray that no man, woman, boy or girl ever touches you inappropriately.  I pray that you also work to keep yourself pure.  

Your soul and spirit.... I pray that you will be sensitive to God’s spirit. I pray that you are filled with his spirit from your childhood and begin to bare the fruit of the spirit.  I pray that you are protected from spiritual wickedness and corruption.  

Your mother and father in law... I pray that they will be what you need them to be in your life: always Godly examples.  Exemplifying HIM.  

You are unique.  There is no one else in the world like you.  I Thank God for you.  And if you never come, we’re ok with that too.  

Lori Green
Your mother-in-law

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